Pharmacy Tech Info by State

State by State info about becoming a Pharmacy Technician, including licensing and training requirements in each state, schools & colleges offering pharmacy technician programs, and employment and salary trends for pharmacy techs.

State by State info about becoming a Pharmacy Technician, including licensing and training requirements in each state, schools & colleges offering pharmacy technician programs, and employment and salary trends for pharmacy techs.

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Requirements to become a pharmacy technician in Idaho

As of June 1st, 2012, the state of Idaho supports nearly sixteen hundred pharmacy technicians among more than 265 institutional and retail pharmacies scattered throughout the state.  Despite Idaho's licensing requirement for pharmacy technicians, roughly 500 unlicensed pharmacy technicians are currently employed at Idaho pharmacies.  This figure, however, is deceiving, as most unlicensed pharmacy technicians are on-the-job trainees, competent interns or experienced professionals in the process of annual licensing renewal with the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB).   

Requirements to become a pharmacy technician in Iowa

As of June 1st, 2012, approximately 680 hospital and retail pharmacies in the state of Iowa employ well over four thousand professional pharmacy technicians.  Pharmacy technicians are pharmaceutical assistants who help licensed pharmacists with daily tasks, which may include the handling or processing of government-controlled substances.  Nevertheless, nearly a thousand pharmacy technicians currently employed at Iowa pharmacies are technically unlicensed.  However, this is (in most cases) not for lack of skill, but a mere technicality due to the fact that many experienced pharmacy technicia

Requirements to become a pharmacy technician in Hawaii

As of June First, 2012, the state of Hawaii is home to about 174 hospital and retail pharmacies employing approximately 1,170 pharmacy technicians.  A pharmacy technician is a skilled assistant who helps a licensed pharmacist perform certain job-related functions.  In addition to record keeping, inventory and customer service, the tasks of pharmacy technicians often involve mixing, packaging, labeling and processing prescription medications.  Pharmacists across the board prefer licensed technicians to unproven assistants whose legally permissible activities may be limited to inventory and c

Requirements to become a pharmacy technician in Georgia

As of June 1st, 2012, the state of Georgia features more than two thousand institutional and retail pharmacies.  In total, they employ more than ten thousand State Board-registered pharmacy technicians.  Of these, roughly thirty percent are unlicensed.  However, unlicensed does not necessarily mean unskilled.  A pharmacy assistant may lack certification due to a recently expired license, or due to having received licensing in another state, or due to having been “grandfathered” into the industry by way of on-the-job training.  Nonetheless, pharmacists unanimously agree that Board certified

Requirements to become a pharmacy technician in Florida

As of June 1st, 2012, the state of Florida features nearly 3,800 local pharmacies employing about 21,760 pharmacists' assistants.  Approximately three quarters of them are Board certified pharmacy technicians, regularly assisting the pharmacist in the processing, handling and issuance of federally controlled substances.  The rest are limited primarily to clerical tasks, inventory and customer service.  Since pharmacy technicians are granted access to various prescription medications, certain state-ordered guidelines and federal regulations may apply.  Like most states, Florida has its own u

Requirements to become a pharmacy technician in Delaware

The tiny state of Delaware is home to approximately 165 hospital and retail pharmacies employing nearly a thousand pharmaceutical technicians and clerical assistants.  Pharmacy technicians are trained health professionals who assist pharmacists with counting, sorting, compounding, packaging and labeling prescription drugs.  Other required tasks may include ordering supplies, answering phones, database management, careful record keeping and frequent compliance checks.  Despite the state's lack of legal requirement, more than eighty percent of Delaware's pharmaceutical assistants are licensed

Requirements to become a pharmacy technician in Washington DC

The District of Columbia features more than a hundred retail and hospital pharmacies, which currently employ about 780 pharmacy technicians.  Of these only about 220 are licensed by the Washington DC Board of Pharmacy.  Pharmacy technicians are skilled healthcare professionals who assist pharmacists in their daily tasks.  The tasks of a pharmacy technician may or may not involve the handling of prescriptions.  However, since pharmacy technicians frequently process governmentally controlled substances, certain state-specific regulations and restrictions may apply.  Similarly, Washington DC h

Requirements to become a pharmacy technician in Connecticut

There are currently roughly 3,390 pharmacy technicians occupying full time positions at more than 600 pharmacies in the state of Connecticut.  However, only slightly more than half of Connecticut's pharmacy technicians are licensed with the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB), as approved by the Connecticut Board of Pharmacy.  Pharmacy technicians are assistants to licensed pharmacists, and in many cases are aspiring pharmacists themselves.  Their job descriptions often include the mixing, refilling, packaging and labeling of federally controlled substances.  Due to the sensitive

Requirements to become a pharmacy technician in Colorado

Businesses in the state of Colorado include roughly 735 hospital and retail pharmacies. Altogether, they employ approximately 4,300 pharmacy technicians.  Pharmacy technicians are public health professionals who help licensed pharmacists with the ordering, processing, labeling, packaging and compliance checking of various prescription drugs.  Responsibilities of pharmacy technicians may also include administrative tasks, database management and customer service.  However, different states have different sets of requirements regarding the clinical practices of pharmacy technicians, and Colorado has a few legal guidelines of its own.

Requirements to become a pharmacy technician in California

The state of California features more than five thousand pharmacies, which currently employ a total of about 28,670 pharmaceutical technicians.  Of these, approximately three quarters are licensed by the California State Board of Pharmacy.  The rest are pharmacists' assistants whose permissible on-the-job tasks are primarily limited to administrative duties and customer service. 

California State Regulations for Pharmacy Technicians


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